Monday, December 12, 2011

Is it better to give or receive gifts?

Is it better to give or receive gifts?

      I find the tradition of gifting very interesting. You give something to someone else hoping they would like it. That is why I personally like receiving gifts more than giving them. Some reasons are obvious, like economic benefit. That however is very small reason. Receiving gifts is fun. I like the excitement you get while opening a gift box. I always wonder whether there is a GI Joe inside, from a relative who think I am 10, or a little money because the person did know what to get me. Either way I appreciate both, one more than the otherb. It is also an indication that someone cares about you, maybe not likes, but at least pretends to like you. It is comforting for me and probably everyone in the world. Giving gifts just shows that you care about someone, not the other way around. The other person can be faking, about care, but when you get a gift you know that someone is out there looking out for you.