Monday, November 14, 2011

If you were to develop a Mt. Rushmore representing the 20th century, whose faces would you select and why?

In the twentieth century has been the most 'busy' in the history of our world. If I was to build a Mt. Rushmore of the the twentieth century, on the very left there would me Martin Luther King Jr.. He fought for equality in America, and for someone to cause such a big uprising in that time was something that no body before him ever dreamed of doing. He influenced so many people in his country and all over the world. Now days even white people are thankful that he stopped such harsh, and cruel behavior. If he had not done what he did, then only god can imagine what our world would be like today. The person that would fill one of the centre spots is Mahatma Gandhi. Mahatma Gandhi made the difference in the Indian revolution, and he was not there, then I believe that India would still be ruled by the British. He united a country with over 750 million people and got them to hate a common enemy, which at the time was the biggest piece of the jigsaw missing. The more fascinating part is that Indians followed all different religions, yet they united under one figure, Gandhi. His ways of basic living and non violence drove the Indian struggle of independence and on 14 August 1947, he achieved his goal. I believe that Mother Teresa should be alongside Gandhi in the middle. She changed the lives of so many poor Indian people and to this day we can see what she achieved. She got so many orphanages started all over India, and influenced social work all over the world. All throughout history, in the whole world there has not been another person who was so famous for their social work and care for others. She stands out because she did something different and changed millions of lives, directly and indirectly.The final spot on the Mt. Rushmore of the twentieth century should go to Paul David Hewson, more commonly known as Bono. Music changed in that century he is one of the men that most heavily influenced it. He made music while helping the poor, spreading awareness on political issues and tried to fight these problems through music. He used his talents to make the world a better place, which is something that we all should strive to do.
I believe that these four people will represent the twentieth century for what it really was, all the ups and downs.

1 comment:

achi said...

The people you've chosen are inspirational people and great role models for the world! I really like the fact that you chose Bono, which I didn't expect after Gandhi, Mother Teresa, and Martin Luther King Jr. Do you plan to become like these people and fight for a special cause?