Friday, December 26, 2008

english holiday homework

Book 1
  name-   fantastic mr. fox
  author - Roald dahl 
There is a family of fox, they was a dad a mom and 3 little fox cubs,they survived on the food that they stole from three different farmers. The father of the family had an aptitude for knowing were the three farmers were by smelling them, from distances or noticing movements.There names are boggis bunce and bean, one farms apples, one farms geese and one farms chickens. The other animals use to do the same too.
The farmers got fed up of all the stealing and decided to catch the fox. Then they sat around the foxes hole indignant because they new that the fox had to come out for food and when he would come out they would kill it. Now was the big abhorrent because the family needed food and the only way to get it was to go and steal from the farmers, but the farmers were out there to kill the fox so needed to figure out a way to get a meal. They sat for days and hoped that the times fickled for them, but then they decided to dig into the foxes hole and get him out of there. The father of the family Mr. fox realized that and the family started digging too they new that fox could dig faster than humans, but mrs. fox just could not dig she had grown week and bovine over the days. The three farmers got there digging machines and started digging with those. Mr. fox new the ways to the farms blinded and he led his family to the farms.
That way Mr. fox saved all the animals of the place by making holes to the different farms and in the end all the animals had a feast.  

Friday, May 9, 2008


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Day accesed-8 April 2008